
  1. Terminology
  2. Aims
  3. Application
  4. Legal references
  5. Policy details
  6. General evacuation details
  7. Advice to users

1.  Terminology

1.1   The premises refers to the Village Hall Wallington, Fareham.

1.2   The Chair of the Hall Sub-committee Manager is responsible for Health and Safety including Fire Safety.

1.3  Users are all visitors to the Hall, be they regular groups, casual hirers, visitors, contractors or the WVCA members.

1.4  This is a multi-occupation facility.

1.5  Emergency - while it is recognised that fire constitutes the main risk to safety this policy also recognises and covers other eventualities given at 5.7.

2.  Aims

2.1  The aims of this policy are to ensure the Health and Safety of all users of the premises.

2.2  To establish standards and procedures to minimise risk and ensure safety of the premises.

2.3  To comply with safety legislation.

2.4  This policy gives priority to the safety of life and prevention of injury over and above building or contents damage.

3.  Application

This policy applies to all users and will be made available to them.

4.  Legal references

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

5.  Policy details

5.1  Responsibility: The Chair of the Hall Sub-Committee is responsible to the Chairman of the Hall Executive Committee for the implementation of this policy.

5.2  Assessment: A risk assessment has been undertaken, and is ongoing by daily observations and the support of users and is subject to overall annual review.

5.3  Fire equipment maintenance: All fire detection equipment, fire fighting equipment, fire alarm, emergency lighting will be maintained by approved contractors.

5.4  Emergency system routine safety checks: The Hall Caretaker will test fire alarms, emergency lighting and emergency exits on a monthly basis.

5.5  Records: Records of the procedures given at 5.3 and 5.4 (above) will be maintained by the Hall Caretaker.

5.6  Training: All regular users must nominate an Evacuation Coordinator. Casual users will be briefed by the Hall team. Both are to be familiar with the general evacuation procedures in Section 6.

5.7  Emergency clarification: The term emergency covers all eventualities and is not limited to fire alone. Emergencies can arise from:

  • The smell of burning
  • The smell of gas
  • Structural damage
  • Explosion
  • Flooding

6.  General evacuation procedures

This is the outline procedure to be taken by all users in the event of an emergency. Each organisation must take appropriate measures depending on their specific needs, paying particular attention to those with special requirements i.e. disabled, elderly or very young.

6.1  On discovering a fire or emergency situation

  • Raise the alarm immediately
  • If you feel confident and it is safe to do so attempt to fight the fire using equipment provided
  • Evacuate the premises to the nominated point (far end of the car park)
  • Dial 999 for emergency services
  • Contact Hall Lead Committee Member on 07395 400 896
  • Account for all members of your group where possible advising the emergency services if any persons are missing

6.2  On hearing the fire alarm

  • Evacuate immediately following the procedure above
  • Leave by the nearest exit door
  • Shut all doors behind you firmly
  • Report to the assembly point
  • Determine if the emergency service has been called, if not do so.

6.3  Assembly Point

The assembly point is the far end of the car park

Consider the implications of bad weather. Refuge may be gained at the superstores or the White Horse public house.

7.  Advice to users

A competent person should be nominated and be responsible for

  • Briefing members on evacuation procedures relevant to their particular needs at each meeting
  • Identify the main escape route to be used
  • Advise on assembly point
  • Have a system in place to identify members and account for numbers at the assembly point.


It is recognised that an accurate muster may not be possible. The Fire Service should be advised of any suspected missing persons.

Give due consideration to weather conditions, taking alternative action as necessary. The procedure adopted should conform to the guidelines in Section 6. Nominate persons to be responsible for those with particular needs.